Trading Grimgrin, Corpse-Born
The Trading Post forum
Posted on Feb. 8, 2012, 9:45 p.m. by Gambit
What's a good trade?
lol, I know, but some guy at my store is FEENDED for it, but he doesn't have stuff that I would use :/
February 9, 2012 4:36 p.m.
lol, I know, but some guy at my store is FEENDED for it, but he doesn't have stuff that I would use :/
February 9, 2012 4:39 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #5
Does he have stuff that you could trade? For example, I would trade a Grimgrin for two Mentor of the Meek s because it's probable that you'll be able to trade the Mentors at some point in the future. Grimgrin rarely trades well.
February 9, 2012 6:09 p.m.
Lol, the trade bombed. He said today he doesn't need it anymore :/ I think (My opinion) Grim will get better, just like some of the White creatures have in the past set. Ugg, I want to trade for a Chandra's Phoenix , but I know they will drop the SECOND M13 ends :[ I just don't know what to trade and what NOT to trade.
February 9, 2012 9:21 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #7
I generally only pick up unstable cards if I know that I will be able to trade them before they drop in price.
Being a great trader is very much like being a great businessman. There are a certain set of skills that directly influence your aptitude for effective trading. Work on these and you'll find yourself getting better. I actually wrote a paper on this subject for a university English class. In general, the mental bit is half knowledge about cards and half knowledge about human psychology while the interaction is about the ability to open, close, present, and in some cases manipulate.
February 9, 2012 11:31 p.m.
I seriously copied and pasted this thread for future reference. TY
February 10, 2012 9:55 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #9
If you'd like, I can try to dig up that essay and email it to you. I covered more there than I could in even multiple posts here, but if you want more advice I'm around.
Epochalyptik says... #2
Grimgrin is kind of a jank rare, so move it for whatever you can. It's worth about $2-3 total.
Since I saw you post another trade-related thread not too long ago, I'll offer some advice in general:
1) Consider the cards in the trade. When you can move bulk or hard-to-trade cards, do it. You likely won't get another offer on these kinds of cards for a long time, if ever again. Bonus points if you move bulk for staple cards in any format.
2) Think about the value of the cards in general. For example, Grimgrin is a relatively low-value card. Therefore, you shouldn't really try to be overly picky about what you can trade it for; you don't really have a lot of bargaining power unless you add something more impressive to the trade.
3) Consider the practicality of the trade. Yeah, you can pick up a dual land if you trade away your playset of Snapcaster Mage
s, but you'll have trouble trading that dual to most players and you'll have also consolidated a large chunk of your trade stock into a single, relatively immovable card.
4) Think about current trends in card prices. You probably don't want to trade two Snapcasters for that Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
. Even if you work out that the trade is fair now, Sorin will drop in value quite a bit in the coming month while Snapcasters will retain their value for a long while. If you don't need the unstable card for anything, don't trade for it using stable cards. On a related note, try to move unstable cards as quickly as possible. I traded a Karn Liberated
at the NPH prerelease event in Philly for two Mox Opal
s, and Karn dropped to less than half its price in the next few weeks while the Opals held strong. It was a fair trade at the time, but I won in the long run.
February 8, 2012 10:34 p.m.