Trading Temporal Mastery

The Trading Post forum

Posted on April 29, 2012, 4:06 p.m. by Dismay

I went to the prerelease of Avacyn Restored and pulled a Temporal MasteryMTG Card: Temporal Mastery, Craterhoof BehemothMTG Card: Craterhoof Behemoth, Restoration AngelMTG Card: Restoration Angel and some other cool stuff. Anyway, it's all up for trade. I am looking for Snapcaster MageMTG Card: Snapcaster Mages among other things.

mikedh1 says... #2

I Offer you a Entreat the AngelsMTG Card: Entreat the Angels and a Angel of JubilationMTG Card: Angel of Jubilation for the Temporal MasteryMTG Card: Temporal Mastery

let me know ASAP so can can do the trade, and get it mailed to me BEFORE, this coming FNM, or I won't make the trade

April 29, 2012 5:59 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #3

I generally don't gen involved in others' trades, but I will remind both of you to check the values of the cards you're trading.

April 29, 2012 6:13 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #4

Right now Entreat the Angels is about $10 and projected to go up. And Angel of Jubilation, is about $7 to $9 and is projected to go up.

And Temporal mastery is about $33+, but is projected to go down to $17 to $23, in about 2 weeks.

I bought a Temporal Mastery at a Pre Release for $20. And the guy I bought it from is a good player, trader, etc, so its not like I ripped him off, when I bought the Mastery for $20.

About the only way someone is going to get full price, is if some shmuck pays full price for 1 on Ebay.

In light of all that I think 1 Entreat the angels, and 1 angel of Jubilation, for a temporal mastery is a very fair trade for both of us.

But if you and him do not, then I could probably throw in a $4 to $8 misc rare, or $$6 cash.

I think that is very fair.

April 29, 2012 6:34 p.m.

carvsdriver says... #5

I'm interested in Restoration AngelMTG Card: Restoration Angel I don't have any snapcasters, but I just opened a box of Avacyn and have tons of other stuff. What else would you be interested in for it?

May 2, 2012 7:50 p.m.

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