w: Budget U/W Control H: Binder
The Trading Post forum
Posted on Dec. 17, 2017, 4:35 p.m. by PTsmitty
I am looking to get a few cards to finish up my Budget Minded U/W control build for modern. The cards I am looking for are:
3x Censor
3x Serum Visions
Sphinx's Revelation
2x Faerie Conclave
2x Supreme Verdict
Detention Sphere
Here is my binder for reverence to what I own.
Hey, I would actually like to hang onto the Blood Crypt. Is there anything else you would be interested in?
Pieguy396 says... #2
Would you do 2 CN2 Serum Visions, an RTR Sphinx's Revelation, and an RTR Supreme Verdict for your Blood Crypt and Disrupt Decorum?
December 18, 2017 12:46 a.m.