W: Cards H: Binder
The Trading Post forum
Posted on Jan. 14, 2018, 11:43 a.m. by PTsmitty
I am looking for the following cards to finish of my Budget U/W control deck for modern:
3x Censor
2x Remand
2x Opt
3x Serum Visions
1x Supreme Verdict
2x Faerie Conclave
2x AEtherling
4x Spreading Seas
Here is my binder for reference to what I have.
Thanks for the reply, but you were correct about me not wanting to trade my delta away for a bunch of smaller cards. If you happen to find anything else you would be interested in let me know. At the very least I would be more interested in the cards I mentioned in the post.
January 15, 2018 7:21 a.m.
Hello, Ive got 2x Opt, 3x spreading seas, 2x aetherling(1 Japanese), 1x serum visions (2 technically but different arts), and 1 censor. Looking at your ulamog if its available. Havent checked the prices as Im on mobile but willing to make up difference once I update my binder.
January 28, 2018 5:42 p.m.
I actually just bought all of these cards yesterday and finished the deck. Sorry about that
sonnet666 says... #2
I have: 2 Opts (INV), Faerie Conclave, Supreme Verdict (RTR, some edge wear), and Serum Visions (CN2). I also have several cards from your wants: Reveillark (MOR), Bant Charm, Goblin Bombardment, Boggart Shenanigans, Quest for the Goblin Lord, Archetype of Finality, Whispers of the Muse, Battle Mastery, and Flow of Ideas.
Although, the only things in your binder I'm interested in are your 3 fetches. All the cards I just listed are roughly equal to Polluted Delta at about $18, but I understand if you don't want to trade a fetch into smaller cards. Let me know what you think.
January 14, 2018 7:40 p.m.