W: Master Biomancer & More H: Isolated Chapel & More

The Trading Post forum

Posted on May 12, 2013, 2:21 a.m. by ShadowLand

Okay, trying to finish out a deck here, my needs listed in priority order are

x2 Master Biomancer , x3 Breeding Pool , x3 Hinterland Harbor , x1 Thragtusk , x2 Loxodon Smiter , x3 Zameck Guildmage (would prefer promos but any will work) x1 Temple Garden , x1 Prime Speaker Zegana

I have:

1x foil Gravecrawler , 2x Isolated Chapel , 1x Master of Cruelties , 3x Champion of the Parish , 1x foil Clifftop Retreat , 1x Varolz, the Scar-Striped , 1x Sire Of Insanity , 1x Vraska the Unseen , 2x Drowned Catacomb , 4x Burning-Tree Emissary , 1x Dragonskull Summit , 3x Mayor of Avabruck  Flip , 3x Chromatic Lantern and much more

I am trying to trade for this stuff asap, I have lots of vouchers and I love to trade, so let me know what we can work out. Thanks for looking!

ShadowLand says... #2


gone from the list of have's

foil Clifftop Retreat

Dragonskull Summit

Gone from the list of wants:


1x Master Biomancer

thanks to those who have helped so far! Still need the rest of these though!

May 13, 2013 2:05 a.m.

This discussion has been closed