W: Stuff for friend H: Friend's stuff
The Trading Post forum
Posted on Sept. 22, 2013, 2:03 p.m. by GoldGhost012
Hey guys! A couple days ago my friend and I were perusing through his collection when we came across a bunch of cards he barely knew he had and didn't need. Since he doesn't have an account, he asked me if I could see if any of you guys want any of them.
He's willing to trade:
1x Scute Mob
1x Cowardice
1x Will-o'-the-Wisp (Collector's Edition)
He would like:
GoldGhost012 says... #3
ljs54321, what things do you think you would be able to get?
September 22, 2013 4:18 p.m.
hollandboys says... #4
I could trade a liliana for the wooded foothills assuming its in good condition
September 22, 2013 4:40 p.m.
unfortunately I don't have any of the named wants but I am interested in the duskmantle
September 23, 2013 10:50 p.m.
I have Elite Arcanist , would be willing to trade for Sanguine Bond or something similarly valued.
September 25, 2013 2:57 p.m.
julianjmoss says... #7
I am interested in Wooded foothills, I have both Animar, Soul of Elements and Garruk Relentless. I have two garruk's and they are both signed.
March 9, 2014 7:52 p.m.
i have Animar, Soul of Elements , what could you do for it
March 11, 2014 7:25 a.m.
I am interested in his Falkenrath Aristocrat . i do have a Scourge of Valkas and Elite Arcanist , not sure if he would do that trade though. let me know
March 18, 2014 4:17 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #10
...... Wow, didn't know people were still posting this. Anyway, if you guys are still interested in his stuff, he made an account: Reaperkingmtg. But he hasn't been on for a couple months; I'll see if his attention can be drawn back to the site.
ljs54321 says... #2
I don't have anything on his wants list, but feel free to check my binder for anything he may be interested in for the Wooded Foothills . I should be able to get ahold of a couple of those things, but it would take me a day or 2.
September 22, 2013 3:59 p.m.