W: unhinged lands H: $$$
The Trading Post forum
Posted on Nov. 3, 2013, 10:10 p.m. by Panda213
Looking to make my decks purdy but don't want to pay an arm and a leg online for basic lands. Hoping to get 20x plains, 17x forests, 3x island and 2x mountains, foils would be awesome but definitely not necessary. So! If you have any and want to work something out then please lmk, thanks!!
If I buy from a retailer then yes, I will pay out the ass for these cards. I'm in no rush though so with a little patience I will hopefully stumble across somebody needing to make quick money or selling their collection... at least that's what I am hoping for, we'll see how long my patience holds up :p
November 3, 2013 11:24 p.m.
MTG_Player says... #4
you know a friend of mine went to gen con or some convention and a guy was giving away his collection which included a foil unh island (at the time my friend did not know of its 70 dollar price tag)
MTG_Player says... #2
each one is 5-6 with islands at 7 so realistically you are looking at $150 at pretty much the best price you'll get.
November 3, 2013 11:11 p.m.