W: Werewolf cards H:Lots
The Trading Post forum
Posted on Nov. 27, 2012, 7:13 p.m. by ShadowLand
1x card:Full Moon's Rise1x Huntmaster of the Fells Flip 3x Immerwolf 4x Kessig Wolf Run 1x Mayor of Avabruck Flip 1x Tormented Pariah Flip 2x Wolfbitten Captive Flip
I will be posting a temporary binder tonight, but if you need anything to vouch for me, you can check out my ebay page, lol. charhan08 is my ebay user. I am not out to scam people, I just feel like trades might work out better for everyone.
In the meantime, let me know if you have these and what you might be in the market for.
Aside from the huntmaster wouldn't the cost of shipping be almost as much as if one were to buy the rest of the cards?
November 27, 2012 8:43 p.m.
evil_monkey says... #4
It only cost me $.45 cents to ship cards. Idk how it is for everyone else, but it is relatively cheap for me.
November 27, 2012 9 p.m.
ShadowLand says... #5
But perhaps someone else wants cards that are also worth the cost of shipping? I don't need the cards I have listed, so maybe someone else does? Also, the cost of a stamp is like 50 cents. So it would cost me at least that much in gas to drive to the local card shop. And I would rather get rid of some cards that I have no use for . . .
Also, evil_monkey, the temp folder is posted.
November 27, 2012 9 p.m.
ShadowLand says... #6
deck:temp-trade-binderThere is the link to it should you need to get to it
November 28, 2012 12:03 a.m.
GriffinRider says... #7
I have 2 Immerwolf , 1 card:Full Moon's Rise, Tormented Pariah Flip and 1 Wolfbitten Captive Flip and 3 Shimmering Grotto .
Drop by My Binder if your interested.
However, you'll need to be able to ship to australia, and that will likely cost more than purchasing these cards from your LGS, with the possible exception of Huntmaster of the Fells Flip .
I am perfectly happy to ship internationally.
November 28, 2012 1:34 a.m.
evil_monkey says... #8
Hey man. Sorry, but I wasn't able to find anything I was interested in. Maybe we will trade in the future! Good luck!
November 28, 2012 1:41 a.m.
ShadowLand says... #9
GriffinRider if I am going to send cards to Australia, we should definitely make it worth our while! I am not opposed to the idea, I have quite a few cards you are looking for, will post in depth in your trade binder exactly what, and we can go from there!
November 28, 2012 8:27 p.m.
ShadowLand says... #10
Okay, here goes from your want list . . I have
x1 Nivmagus Elemental , x2 Selesnya Guildgate , x3 Sundering Growth , x2 Gather the Townsfolk , x3 card:Vanguard's Shield, x4 Pacifism , x2 Fervent Cathar , x1 Kruin Striker , x1 Kessig Malcontents , x1 Vigilante Justice F , x1 Thatcher Revolt
So, if you are still wanting those cards, they are all on the table
I was also interested in your Transguild Promenade cards, as well as your Blessings of Nature card, and your Moonmist cards!! I didn't check, but if you have 2 or less Daybreak Ranger Flip cards, I would also be interested in those, in addition to the cards you mentioned you had already
evil_monkey says... #2
I have 1x Wolfbitten Captive Flip 1x Tormented Pariah Flip and 1x Immerwolf . Just hits up whenever you get your temp binder put up and I can make an offer. Look forward to trading!
November 27, 2012 7:49 p.m.