What is the etiquette regarding Cards you are interested in but reluctant to trade
The Trading Post forum
Posted on June 11, 2013, 11:15 p.m. by bonedevil
I'm throwing together my first trade binder and I have some cards that I'm not keen on trading, but I miiiiiight in the right circumstances, and I don't know if I should somehow seperate them from the cards I'm keen on trading or what? I want to leave them open as a possible trade but I don't want the people I'm trading with to feel led on if I'm not interested in the deal, any advice?
I would just not mention them until you find the right trade. In my case if I'm looking for hard to get/find priorities, I will tell the person I'm trading with I have these also if I can't make the deal work with what is available. This usually does mean me going to look for the trade in most cases.
June 11, 2013 11:30 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #4
Moved to Traders forum.
Don't list cards you aren't willing to trade. Period. It's endlessly infuriating to go through a back and forth process just to figure out what the other person is willing to trade.
Use the binder description to list cards you are hesitant to trade (for example "Note: I will only trade X for Y or better").
June 11, 2013 11:40 p.m.
Or if you are building a physical binder for your cards either have a secondary binder or I have a section in the back of my binder that I explain up front that I am less likely to trade unless the deal is right.
June 12, 2013 3:37 a.m.
Schuesseled says... #6
Theres an inventory you can use now for cards you want to keep a tally of but don't want to trade. Use that.
June 12, 2013 6:09 a.m.
For a physical trade binder I'll leave out the cards that I don't really want to trade and only put them in if I really need a value boost to get cards I really want or if I talked over a good trade the week before.
June 12, 2013 6:10 a.m.
Schuesseled says... #8
Or if you want to trade but are fussy about what you would trade them for. Add to the binder description:
I have 4 breeding pools in addition to the cards below but I will only trade these for an equal number of sacred foundry.
June 12, 2013 6:29 a.m.
you can always do what i do, i have 3 trade binders
binder one is foils, i hate foils, but they do trade wellbinder two is basically all under 12$ cards normally just staple cards, this is what most people get to see, unless they ask for foil binderthen there is my trade binder, it only comes out when i want something or when someone asks for a card, this binder has everything from vintage through to current money cards.
i keep all 3 binders on my phone, if someone wants to see them, i use to carry them with me but i have had a few cards wonder off, nothing back breaking but i did have a Thragtusk go missing when they were 25$, and a Snapcaster Mage and someone stole a whole commons binder... not sure if i was more pissed off at losing the binder and all the sleeves or happy about being rid of a binder full of crap commons that turned into a BAD standard pauper cube pre-gatecrash
Jay says... #2
Just warn in your description that some cards are in use and might be tough to get, then when someone offers let them know.
Also, this should be in the traders section of the forums.
June 11, 2013 11:20 p.m.