Are you able to tap Mindslaver with a Tumble Magnet in response to Mindslaver activating its ability?
Asked by Wah6313 13 years ago
Okay, complicated question.... Since Mindslaver has "Sacrifice Mindslaver " as part of its activation cost for its ability to "control target player's next turn," am I able to tap it in response using Tumble Magnet 's ability to "tap target artifact or creature?" Or does the ability fizzle because there is no Mindslaver to target the ability with because the player sacrificed it to play its ability? I know Tumble Magnet 's ability goes on top of the stack because its played in response; I'm wondering if Mindslaver is still a valid target.
SwiftDeath says... Accepted answer #2
you can but your effect would fizzle due to the tapping being part of the cost for the effect on Mindslaver so even if you did the Mindslaver effect would still go off.
in order: your opponent pays 4, taps Mindslaver , and sacrifices it. response tap Tumble Magnet and rmove a counter to tap mindslaver. check, no Mindslaver Tumble Magnet remains tapped effect fizzles.
opposite: you tap Tumble Magnet , and remove a counter. response tap 4 and Mindslaver then sacrifice it, Mindslaver goes off. check no more Mindslaver to tap Tumble Magnet fizzles sorry but there is no way around it with Tumble Magnet as long as your opponent has 4 mana to activate his effect.
xeratheenigma says... #1
simply put no.
Mindslaver is put into the graveyard as part of the cost to activate it's ability. so by the time you get a chance to respond to Mindslaver 's ability Mindslaver is already gone so you can't even target it with the Tumble Magnet .
January 21, 2011 12:17 a.m.