Are you allowed to double-dip when you sacrifice a permanent as part of its activated ability cost?

Asked by Nightwielder 13 years ago

I play with a few guys that tell me I'm wrong when I say you can't do this... In other words, sacrifice a creature, let's say Memnite , to activate an ability -- simultaneously using the sacrifice as part of another permanent's cost in one fell swoop. I'm not referring to Furnace Celebration , but rather cards like [[culling dais] and Viscera Seer .

squire1 says... #1

January 21, 2011 8:44 a.m.

squire1 says... Accepted answer #2

No you can not. Think of it this way, if Culling Dais and Viscera Seer both said "pay 1 life: effect happens" or "Pay 1 black mana: effect happens" You could not pay one life for both effects to go off and you could not tap one swamp for both to go off.

Each card has its own cost. The cost must be paid, then the ability is put on the stack. Then the next ability is paid and that ability is put on the stack.

January 21, 2011 8:48 a.m.

Nightwielder says... #3

Ok, that's what I thought, thanks for putting it to rest squire1 . Now I can call BS if the situation prompts it again haha.

January 21, 2011 8:55 a.m.

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