Blinking Grasp of Fate and targeting the same permanent it exiled previously.

Asked by Baldugues 18 hours ago

The ruling of Grasp of Fate states "The exiled cards return to the battlefield immediately after Grasp of Fate leaves the battlefield. Nothing happens between the two events, including state-based actions."

Let's assume i exiled an Urabrask's Forge.

If i blink Grasp of Fate or similar cards with texts describing "exile [...] until this enchantment leaves the battlefield" with something like Brago, King Eternal, can i target the forge again, since it came back immediately (i'm assuming before Grasp of Fate's ability came on the stack)?

legendofa says... #1

I want to make sure I understand the question right.

The setup is that an Urabrask's Forge is exiled with Grasp of Fate. You deal combat damage to a player with Brago, King Eternal, triggering its ability. Your question is, can you exile the Grasp, see the Forge come back to the battlefield, and exile the Forge with Brago as part of the same ability effect?

If that's right, then this doesn't work. You can't target the Grasp, let it be exiled, then target the Forge and blink that, all off a single Brago attack. All the targets are chosen at the same time (while the Forge is still exiled by Grasp), and they're all blinked at the same time. By the time the Forge would be a valid option, it's too late. The targets for Brago's ability have already been chosen and the ability is resolving.

March 14, 2025 2:03 p.m.

legendofa says... #2

Incidentally, the setup doesn't quite work, unless your opponent somehow gained control of your Forge. Grasp of Fate can only exile cards your opponents control, while Brago, King Eternal can only blink cards you control. There's not a natural situation where the Forge is controlled by your opponent for Grasp, then controlled by you for Brago. If you switch Grasp for something like Constable of the Realm, then the setup is more fluid, although my previous answer still stands.

March 14, 2025 2:10 p.m.

Sliverguy420 says... #3

legendofa he's asking if Grasp of Fate can exile the forge.

March 14, 2025 2:15 p.m.

legendofa says... Accepted answer #4

Sliverguy420 and Baldugues If I misinterpreted the question, then disregard pretty much everything and I apologize.

Baldugues After you blink the Grasp with Brago, are you trying to target the Forge with Grasp again, or with Brago?

If it's with Grasp, then yes, you can re-exile the Forge with Grasp. If it's with Brago, then no.

March 14, 2025 2:30 p.m.

Baldugues says... #5

legendofa I apologize for not communicating myself clearly enough, i should have done a better job of writing the question.

But yes, in this situation, i own grasp of fate, and it had exiled an enemy's forge. My desire is to blink the Grasp, so i can exile different, new threats of the other 2 opponents, but also re-exile the forge.
Since it states "return to the battlefield immediately after". I'm assuming it's possible, and want to know if my assumption is correct, since it's an ETB, and the ETB saw the forge, or the forge will come back only after the resolution of the blink, and the ETB won't see the forge.

Thank you for the answer and Sliverguy420 for the feedback!

March 14, 2025 3:32 p.m.

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