Can I block a creature, and then use an activated ability with the same creature?
Asked by BrownDog5117 14 years ago
For example... can I block an attacking creature with Fauna Shaman , then before damage is assigned.. use her ability??? Hence taking no damage?
Wrong. Let's say your opponents monster attacks you, you go "I block with my Fauna Shaman" the attacking creature is declared blocked and deals all it's damage to the Fauna Shaman wether or not it becomes tapped makes no difference. So yes you can block with Fauna Shaman and then say "Before Damage is dealt I am going to trigger her ability"
October 1, 2010 8:39 p.m.
You will take no damage from the attacking creature unless it Tramples, sorry forgot to add that. Hippo is wrong
October 1, 2010 8:41 p.m.
Once an attacking creature is blocked, unless it has trample, it will not be able to deal you damage. You can use the blocker's activated ability, bounce it, remove it from combat, flip it onto the playing surface from a height of at least 3 feet, whatever you want. However, you have to remove it from combat or prevent damage to it in order for it to survive.
October 1, 2010 9:07 p.m.
KrazyCaley says... #5
Sporkife and L4D are correct. A creature must be untapped WHEN IT IS ASSIGNED AS A BLOCKER. After it is assigned, it doesn't matter if it becomes tapped; it still blocked the attacking creature.
October 1, 2010 10:16 p.m.
thank you for clearing that up ahem i made me feel JUST GREAT when people insult me sorry about not knowing about something jeeze
October 2, 2010 1:26 a.m.
KrazyCaley says... #7
No insults, just a correction; nothing personal intended by anyone.
October 2, 2010 6:03 a.m.
To clarify the full way on defence.
Your opponents declare attackers,
Your opponent first then you get to play instants or abilities.
You declare blockers.
AFTER you have declared all your blockers blockers (in this case a Fauna Shaman ), you then have a chance to declare instants and abilities first.
Because as is pointed out, the defending creature is blocking the path of the attacking creature, there isn't much that can be done afterwards, unless the attacking creature has trample. All damage would be assigned to that perticular creature.
Now why is this relevent?
Ok, firstly in your example, Your asking if the Fauna Shaman could be tapped to activate it's ability. The answer is Yes. but to if it will take no damage? Well, the creature is still there, and no prevention spells have been played, so it will take damage as normal.
To prevent damage you can go a number of different paths. There's Fog and all it's associated cards. There's blinking (removing the card from the game and bringing it back - It's considered then a different version of the card that was originally blocking and thus is no longer a blocker). There's also damage prevention (creatures usually in white that tap to prevent damage to target creature) and there's plain old sacrificing effects as well (counter productive, I know).
After which, then theres the damage step.
It's important that if your wanting to get to play the game more so on a profesional level that you learn these sub-steps in this area of the game, as it could prove vital in games.
I hope this helps to suppliment the answer to this question.
I second KrazyCaley's sentiments, so don't take it to heart that people will correct ya. Hell, I've been proven wrong on occasion here. It's part of the reason why I love this site. When I get corrected I hate it too, but I revise and accept or discuss my reasons for the answers given :)
hippo says... #1
no you cant use her ability during before damage even though she is untapped and blocking because she becomes tapped when you use her ability so the creature she blocked will deal damage to you
October 1, 2010 8:36 p.m.