Can I play Kuldotha Rebirth if I don't control an artifactan artifact?

Asked by tyrannosaurusrex 13 years ago

Can I?

Legendinc says... #1

what do you mean?

all you have to do in order to cast Kuldotha Rebirth is to sacrifice any artifact you control on the field, whether it be a mere Iron Myr or a Mox Opal

December 10, 2010 3:02 p.m.

Deco_y says... Accepted answer #2

You cannot play it without sacrificing an artifact that is on the battlefield. Wether its one you own or an opponent's you took control of, you have to sacrifice an artifact.

December 10, 2010 3:04 p.m.

Legendinc says... #3

which is why on the card, the text reads, "As an additional cost to cast Kuldotha Rebirth , sacrifice an artifact."

since you can't sacrifice anything other than permanents you control, you must sac an artifact on your side of the field.

December 10, 2010 3:12 p.m.

sporkife says... #4

It's part of the cost, rather than the ability, so you can't cast it if you don't have an artifact to sacrifice. If it said "sacrifice an artifact" somewhere in the ability, it would be fine, because at that point the spell would be resolving and it's ok that you don't have an artifact. However, as the sac is part of the cost, it doesn't work.

December 10, 2010 4:20 p.m.

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