Can I tap Mikaeus, the Lunarch on opponent turn?
Asked by DAbsol4 7 months ago
I know I can't use the tapping of Mikaeus the turn I cast him on normal conditions, but I want to know if I can use on the opponent turn that tapping effect or others that doesn't specify "use only as sorcery". Like use the tapping effect on opponent's end phase to untap on my next upkeep or something.
wallisface says... Accepted answer #1
Yes you can tap him to use his abilities at instant-speed, as you can for any ability that doesn’t specify an activation restriction (like only being able to activate at sorcery speed).
Note that he’ll need to not have summoning-sickness before you can tap him at-all, which means reaching the start of your upkeep with him in play (so, just like how you can’t tap him on the turn you cast him, you also can’t tap him on opponents turns until it has gotten back to your turn again).
July 4, 2024 10:02 p.m. Edited.