Can metalcrafted Etched Champion be countered by a colored spell?

Asked by adugger 14 years ago

Pretty much explain int he title. Can someone throw down a colored counterspell to counter Etched Champion if you already have 3 artifacts down before you cast him. Counterspells target the spell and Etched Champion is the spell, so I assume not, but I am not completely sure.

yeaGO says... #1

bracketsssss Etched Champion

October 29, 2010 12:53 p.m.

xeratheenigma says... Accepted answer #2

yes etched champion can be countered be colored spells such as Mana Leak

because permanents only have protection while they are on the battlefield and nowhere else

October 29, 2010 1:32 p.m.

Kalani says... #3

Xeratheenigma is correct, protection functions only for permanents on the battlefeild. That said, Etched Chmpion is still one of my favortie cards from the ew set/ Who doesnt love protection from ALL COLORS? It's just ridiculousy cool. And really fun to pair with Phylactery Lich as in my deck phylacteretched-lichampions-commentsadvice

October 29, 2010 2:11 p.m.

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