If it does not say anything on it, the abilities are instant speed.
The timing restriction are:
- the ones the specifically say that: you can play this only when u play a [].... like Nezumi Bone-Reader
- planeswalkers. Their abilities are always sorcery-speed (that means it's your turn, and the scack is empty, and you have priority);
Other restrictions could be the number of times that spell could be played (eg: play this no more than once each turn) Steel Hellkite
So: As long as the ability does not state the timing restrictions or the perms are not planeswalkers, that ability is instant speed.
Scorpse says... Accepted answer #1
I believe you wanted to say : Can you activate activated abilities if the permanent is tapped ? Short answer : Yes you can, as long as that ability you want to activate does not include tapping. (read below details).
You can use any number of a card's abilities, at any time this is possbile.
This means that you annouce the ability and pay the costs. (any activated ability has [cost]:[effect]).
So, for Mox Lotus , you can play both abilities in the same turn, and the second ability any number of times as you have mana for it. This is the same for the first ability, but because it requires tapping, you need an outlet to untap it, and reuse.
Any ability that requires tapping, and is present on a creature, cannot be used, unless that creature has haste. This is good pictured in a card:Mishra's Factory played on the last turn ,and then try to defend with it and pump.
December 21, 2010 6:22 a.m.