can you stop an attacking creature with Aphetto Alchemist's ability
Asked by ilikeoldcardsbetter 14 years ago
when I played this card in my wizard deck a while ago I played it like I could untap an attacking creature, and therefore it wouldn't be attacking me anymore, is that correct?
ilikeoldcardsbetter says... #2
very much so, thank you
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Zylo says... Accepted answer #1
No. Declaring a creature as attacking involves tapping that creature, but as you know creatures with vigilance do not need to tap to attack. It doesn't matter if that creature is tapped or untapped AFTER that creature attacks because the attack has already been declared. If you untap their creature you only help them because you gave them another blocker for your turn. The only thing you could do to prevent a creature from attacking would be tapping it before the attack is declared with something like Ballynock Trapper or if you bounce the creature like with Into the Roil or you use a kill spell like Terminate .
I hope this helped clear things up for you.
September 9, 2010 4:38 p.m.