copying a spell, and standard sets
Asked by zigkid3 14 years ago
1) if say you cast lightning bolt, and use twincast to copy it but your opponent uses cancel on the original lighning bolt will it make the copy useless as well then? or would it only be able to cancel that one and the other would go thorugh? since they're both instants.
2) once scars of mirrodin comes what, what will be the new standard list?
1 - When Twincast is cast but yet to resolve - the cards effect goes onto the stack, so yes, if you play a Counterspell or in this case Cancel then the effect of Twincast will also be countered as the target spell is no longer there. to duplicate the spell Twincast needs to be resolved.
In your example...
a) You cast lightening bolt (You have priority. If you pass priority and the opponent does nothing to counter the spell then resolves. Hence why you need to play Twincast after onto the stack.)
b) You then cast Twincast.
c) Your opponent receives priority as you wish for twincast to resolve. He needs to play Cancel at this time or the effect of Twincast will resolve.
Remember, The Resolution of the effect is what is said on the card will happen.
2 - The new Standard list will be Zendikar Block (zendikar, Worldwake, Rise of Eldrazi) Magic 2011, and the Shards of Mirrodin block. All other stuff moves out of Standard but remain in Extended.
September 10, 2010 1:37 p.m.
WiseHeart65 says... #3
@cardcoin, could he let the lightning bolt get canceled then Twincast the counterspell to counter his counter lol? or is that ridiculous?
September 10, 2010 1:39 p.m.
If there was 2 Twincast s in hand, and 2 blue mana sources available, then you could respond to the Cancel to duplicate the Cancel therefore allowing the intended effect to kick in...
(if there is 2 red mana sources available then Reverberate could do the same job :) )
September 10, 2010 1:57 p.m.
But in honesty in re-reading your sentence, letting the lightening bolt get Cancel led would be silly :)
There would be no targets for Twincast or Reverberate to duplicate after letting Cancel resolve.
Remember the golden rule of Stack. Active player gets priority, therefore he needs to make the first move.
September 10, 2010 2 p.m.
WiseHeart65 says... #6
good answers sir, hope i can learn all the rules that well at some point...
September 10, 2010 2:08 p.m.
What WiseHeart65 was saying what that not to let the Cancel go through on the lightning bolt but instead when the cancel the lightning bolt you could use the Twincast to cancel the cancel letting the Lightning Bolt go through.
September 10, 2010 2:12 p.m.
I know, just playing on the way he worded it originally :) No offence was intended in my second comment. Well, I hope none was!
September 10, 2010 2:14 p.m.
WiseHeart65 says... #9
not offended fellas, thats why i asked, i wanna be a rule guru, my friends i play with look to me for rules cause sadly i know them best outof us, but sometimes i have to unfortunatly say i dont know. im sure ill never know all the rules, but this Q and A section is my favorite thing yeaGo ever did, i learn more here now than i ever thought. all you guys rule, thanks for the intel... worries brother, we are cool, but so you COULD actually cast Twincast on Cancel then while its on the stack, and effectivley counter his counter? or did i read everything wrong?
September 10, 2010 2:22 p.m.
Nope, you read correctly... Assuming your opponent isn't gonna go and counter the second Twincast then Twincast can in effect act as a Counterspell to a Cancel or most other Counterspell :)
September 10, 2010 2:29 p.m.
Actually, you could, after casting the Lightning Bolt , pass priority, let them cast a Counterspell targeting it, and then with the Counterspell on the stack cast Fork targeting the Lightning Bolt , which would then resolve before the Counterspell and let you zap them.
September 12, 2010 9:32 p.m.
Justarsaus says... #12
why not just twin cast the counterspell and counter it so the original lightning bolt still hits.... but srsly twin cast rulings:
You can't choose to pay any additional costs for the copy. However, effects based on any additional costs paid for the targeted spell are copied as though those same costs were paid for the copy too. Twincast copies any text spliced onto the targeted spell, but you can't splice additional text onto the copy. Twincast can target (and copy) any instant or sorcery spell, not just one with targets. It doesn't matter who controls it. As Twincast resolves, it creates a copy of a spell. That copy is created on the stack, so it's not "cast." Abilities that trigger when a player casts a spell won't trigger. The copy will then resolve like a normal spell, after players get a chance to cast spells and activate abilities. The copy will have the same targets as the spell it's copying unless you choose new ones. You may change any number of the targets, including all of them or none of them. If, for one of the targets, you can't choose a new legal target, then it remains unchanged (even if the current target is illegal). If the spell Twincast copies is modal (that is, it says "Choose one --" or the like), the copy will have the same mode. You can't choose a different one. If the spell Twincast copies has an X whose value was determined as it was cast (like Earthquake does), the copy has the same value of X. If the copy says that it affects "you," it affects the controller of the copy, not the controller of the original spell. Similarly, if the copy says that it affects an "opponent," it affects an opponent of the copy's controller, not an opponent of the original spell's controller.
WiseHeart65 says... #1
someone feel free to correct me, but i believe since you coppied while the lightning bolt is not yet resolved, there would be two seperate lightning bolts so only one could be countered, it seems like it might matter if he plays cancel right after bolt or if he played it after the copy spell, but i think only one could be countered regardless...thats what i think anyways...rule gurus? any of this right lol?
standard will be zendikar, worldwake, eldrazi, m11, and scars...again will not be offended to be corrected lol.
September 10, 2010 1:37 p.m.