Do abilities of cards with same name affect each other?
Asked by bolarakis 14 years ago
2 Sengir Vampire 's are on the field. One kills a creature, do both vampires get a +1/+1 counter or just the one that got the kill?
hamburgers says... Accepted answer #2
The function of having the name in the text box is to keep cards from getting massively wordy, as far as i can tell. Just assume anything that refers to it's name only affects the one unless it says some Echoing Truth Style "same name as that permanent" in the abilities present. For example, if you Quicksilver Gargantuan a Sengir Vampire , than when your quicksilver kills a dude you put the counter on the quicksilver, not on the one "REAL" vampire.
November 30, 2010 2:47 a.m.
Whenever a card has its name in the rules box, it will refer to itself and only to itself.
By any chance there are several cards with that name on the battle field, each wil lrefer to itself.
however, there are cards, that use their names in specific sentences, and that will make references to any card that respects that rule.
November 30, 2010 5:03 a.m.
mistergreen527 says... #4
If the ability is meant to effect other cards with the same name, it's text will be similar to Cylian Sunsinger 's text.
hamburgers says... #1
Whenever a card uses it's own name in that fashion it is referring to itself. In this case, only one gets the bonus. Now, if it read "when a creature is put into a graveyard" without having the "dealt damage by Sengir Vampire " part, both could trigger.
November 30, 2010 2:37 a.m.