do (basic) lands count as cards of a certain colour?
Asked by ilikeoldcardsbetter 14 years ago
if you have a couple black cards in hand plus a swamp, will the swamp count towards, say, Nightshade Assassin 's ability?
Lands are infact colourless. In play they are colourless unless something turns them into a coloured creature. for example Awakener Druid turns your forest into a 4/5 green treefolk creature that's still a land.
For black there is Creeping Tar Pit and Lavaclaw Reaches (for current standard) but there is nothing for turning lands in your hand into black cards. Well, not to my knowledge anyway.
yeaGO says... #1
Nope! They're colorless.
September 23, 2010 1:31 p.m.