Do multiple Irresistible Preys force you to spread blockers?block

Asked by Kalani 13 years ago

So for example if I get attacked with a Precursor Golem , and i have three weenie creatures, and the opponent has cast Irresistible Prey on his golems (drawing three cards in the process) can I then gang block to kill one of his golems? Or must i spread my blockers to block as many irresistible golems as i can? Thanks in advance, this question is pivotal!

xeratheenigma says... Accepted answer #1

you must block as many golems as you can.

if you have enough creatures to block the golems then each golem must be blocked by at least one creature(you can gangblock the golems if you control more creatures than your op has golems.). though if you have less creatures than golems you must block as many as you can though you do get to choose which golems you block

February 3, 2011 4:48 a.m.

cardcoin says... #2

Yup, agree with xeratheenigma. Just like Irresistible Prey says, all creatures affected by this card must block if able and since the golems copies forum all other golems, thwn all golems that attack would need to be blocked.

February 3, 2011 9:51 p.m.

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