Do Painful Quandarys stack?
Asked by andrerafa 14 years ago
If I have 2 painful Painful Quandary on the battlefield does that mean they have to discard 2 cards or pay 10 life, or a mixture of both whenever they cast a spell?, also do rebound spells, the second activate painful quandary?
Bah! I forgot the last 'a' in my Painful Quandary links ><
Eyehate says... Accepted answer #1
When your opponent casts a spell each painful-quandry will trigger and be dealt with on its own.
So when they cast a spell and the first painful quandry trigger resolves they will choose to discard or lose 5 life. Then when the second one resolves they will choose to discard or lose 5 life again.
Ultimately each spell cast will end in one of 3 scenarios:
1) They lose 10 life.
2) They discard 2 cards.
3) They lose 5 life and discard a card.
Also note, when they deciding to lose life or discard if their hand is empty they must lose 5 life. Since they have no card to discard they don't have a choice. This isn't true for all effects in magic, but it is true in this instance because of how painful-quandry is worded.
December 1, 2010 9:15 a.m.