Does Semblance Anvil reduce a cards cost multiple times if it shares multiple card types with the imprinted card?

Asked by Sp00k 13 years ago

Ok, so - one last revist on the Semblance Anvil .

Say you toss any Artifact Creature onto the anvil (ornothopter for example) would say Platinum Angel a 4 cost creature then be free as it applies to both the artifact and the creature elements of the item on the anvil, or will it be counted once as a whole for being an Artifact Creature as well.

I know how I would rule this, but we've has some debate.

Sp00k says... #1

Bare in mind I'm an idiot listening to another idiot, Platinum Angel is not 4 cost..

so in place of that, any 4 cost artifact creature... (or a Leveler costing 1)

December 22, 2010 3:47 p.m.

KrazyCaley says... Accepted answer #2

If you put Platinum Angel on there, artifacts cost two less, and creatures cost two less. Artifact creatures still cost only two less.

It's just- "does it share at least one type?" If so, it costs two less.

December 22, 2010 4 p.m.

keithroule says... #3

it would only b counted once if Ornithopter was imprinted on Semblance Anvil then Platinum Angel would cost 5 and Leveler would cost 3 but any artifact that costs 2 or less is free and since Ornithopter is a creature even non artifact creatures benefit so for example Cystbearer would cost one green

December 22, 2010 4:02 p.m.

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