Does World at War triple Battle-Rattle Shaman effect?
Asked by Vicanic 13 years ago
World at War makes 3 combat phases but the Shaman Says "at the beginning of combat on your turn" so do multiple phases count as the beginning of combat 3 times?
yes it will trigger.
World at war gives you another combat phase this turn, and Battle-Rattle Shaman only checks if it the combat phase.
It can target different creatures.
It also works with Godo, Bandit Warlord , Aggravated Assault , Fury of the Horde , Hellkite Charger , Relentless Assault ,Savage Beating , Seize the Day , Waves of Aggression .
MagnorCriol says... Accepted answer #1
World at War
Battle-Rattle Shaman
Why yes! Yes it does.
Though it really only doubles the Shaman's effect; WaW only gives you one extra combat per turn, so the Shaman would spread a total of +4/+0 out in a given turn.
Quick aside - it's the square brackets, "[", to tag a card, not the little squiggly ones. =)
December 20, 2010 4:36 a.m.