How does Aetherflux Reservoir work with "life total can't change" effects.

Asked by cZeffy 4 months ago

So I am working on a Unicorn tribal deck for my fiance with heavy life gain and counters. I am adding Aetherflux Reservoir to the deck as a nice win con. But how does the pay 50 life work if I for example use Flare of Fortitude, can i still pay 50 life and one shot someone even though my life total can't change or does my life total have to be able to change if I want to pay the 50?

wallisface says... Accepted answer #1

If your life total can’t change, you aren’t allowed to pay a cost that includes the payment of any amount of life other than 0 life.

This is specifically covered on Gatherer for the Flare: “If a cost would include causing you to gain life, that cost can't be paid. Similarly, you can't pay a cost that includes the payment of any amount of life other than 0 life. However, you can choose to be dealt damage, even though that damage won't result in your life total changing.”

November 3, 2024 3:55 p.m.

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