how does countering work with Knowledge Pool on the field?

Asked by mafteechr 13 years ago

I need verification that this is correct.

Let's have the following scenario. Knowledge Pool is out, and among the cards that have been exiled with KP are Blightsteel Colossus and Cancel . During my opponent's turn, he cast Ornithopter . KP triggers, we both pass priority, and resolution begins. Ornithopter is exiled and he casts Blightsteel Colossus . Can I now play, say, Lightning Bolt , have KP trigger, and then play the Cancel that was exiled to counter his Blightsteel Colossus ?

awesomusprime says... Accepted answer #1

Yes. Knowlege Pool says cast, it would be the same as casting from your hand.

February 18, 2011 8:59 a.m.

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