How does Hive Mind work?
Asked by TowerOfBad 14 years ago
I am pretty sure I already know this, I am asking for clarification for some other people.
1) If someone casts Fireball and puts 5 into it, does everyone else do 5 damage as well?
2) In the case of a card like Mind Sludge , the player who casts it has 11 swamps, I have zero. How many cards can I make them discard?
Thank you.
Aye mafteechr is right, it's all about the card and its cost.
When making a copy of a spell you copy values asigned at casting (how it appears on the stack) so Fireball xR (where x = 5) would be 5 damage to a target.
Mind Sludge doesn't declare a value until its cast (its not a cost, or kicker) so it wouldn't check for the value until you're copy resolves, where it discovers you have 0 swamps and the stack is left wondering where all the sludge is :D
mafteechr says... Accepted answer #1
From Hive Mind 's Oracle rulings:
1) "If the spell that's copied has an X whose value was determined as it was cast (like Earthquake does), the copy has the same value of X."
In the scenario you have described, everyone's copy of Fireball would do 5 damage.
2) "If a copy says that it affects "you," it affects the controller of the copy, not the controller of the original spell. Similarly, if a copy says that it affects an "opponent," it affects an opponent of the copy's controller, not an opponent of the original spell's controller."
If your opponent casts Mind Sludge and someone else plays Hive Mind , then your copy of Mind Sludge would make your target discard zero, since it is the amount of swamps that you control.
January 6, 2011 11:44 a.m.