How Effective is adding a deck to the Featured Queue?

Asked by π_is_the_word 13 years ago

I just upgraded and I am curious about the effectiveness of adding a deck to the featured queue? My question is focused to those who have experience using the featured queue.

What level of response have you seen from using the featured queue? Also, how long does a deck stay on the featured queue?

Sp00k says... Accepted answer #1

It stays for 24 hours I believe - and while I didn't personally add one of my decks to the queue, I had the fortune of someone being so awesome to add it for me. I have to say the number of views incresed much quicker, and its visible far more often than a standard deck cycle. I got comments I may not have gotten if it slid from the main queue within an hour.

I highly recommend getting some tokens, even if its only the first few to try it out.

January 12, 2011 3:51 p.m.

π_is_the_word says... #2

Thanks, that's what I thought, but I needed confirmation that it is effective.

January 12, 2011 3:54 p.m.

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