If I attach an equipment to a creature land (until end of turn), will my equipment stay attached when the turn ends?
Asked by Nightwielder 13 years ago
Say I had a Dread Statuary and threw a Basilisk Collar on him... would it stay attached even when my land ceases to be a creature?
doinitwrong says... #2
No, as soon as it ceases to be a creture, the equipment will fall off.
Tezz says... Accepted answer #1
Short answer, no.
Euipments are creature exclusive, you can attach equipments to any permanent you control as long as that card is a creature. However if that card loses it's creature status the equipment will just unattach itself from it because technically the creature that was using it simply ceased to exist as a creature, the card will still be on game but it won't be the same card anymore.
Fortifications however are the land equivalent of equipments, with these you can equip lands like Dread Statuary ,turn it into a creature and the creature will also get every benefit that it had as a land as it will be always be a land.
For example, with Darksteel Garrison your Dread Statuary will be able to become an indestructible 4/2 Golem, that gives +1/+1 to target creature every time you tap it for mana or attacking.
February 15, 2011 5:53 a.m.