if i crib swap a creature equipped with hedron matrix what happens?

Asked by taylor532parker 14 years ago

i crib swapped an eldrazi creature equipped with a hedron matrix and dont know if the casting cost of the creature is the same or not, help would be great.

thanks, Taylor

mistergreen527 says... Accepted answer #1

The creature will get removed from the game and its controller will get the 1/1 Shapeshifter token. Hedron Matrix will remain on the battlefield, but will not be attached to anything. If the Hedron Matrix becomes equipped to the Shapeshifter token, it will get +0/+0 since it does not have a converted mana cost.

September 1, 2010 1:23 a.m.

ok thanks

September 1, 2010 11:37 a.m.

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