If I give control of a curse that I own with Harmless Offering does the opponent then chose who that cures enchants?
Asked by Be_Jamin 2 months ago
I'm building a Lynde, Cheerful Tormentor deck and I see that cards like Harmless Offering and Donate are usually paired with this commander. With her first ability and attaching the curse to myself, I'm looking for more ways to give others the curses other than multiple upkeeps. What I don't want is to change control of a curse to an opponent and then they turn it around and curse me. If that is the case, could I get an explanation on why such cards would be used in curse decks?
Neotrup says... Accepted answer #1
Changing control of a curse with something like Donate will not change who it's attached to, only who controls it. With most curses, control doesn't really matter (some like Curse of Misfortunes or Curse of Leeches Flip do care who controls them). In order to change what an aura is attached to, the spell would need to state that like Aura Graft does, however the only thing I can find to do that would be Ardenn, Intrepid Archaeologist which requires you to still control the curse, and is not available within Lynde, Cheerful Tormentor's color identity.
December 12, 2024 2:55 p.m.