If I make a token of Gatekeeper of Malakir using Mimic Vat can the token be kicked?
Asked by iamnoah262 14 years ago
Okay so i'm very confused as to how this mechanic works. Gatekeeper of malakir causes your opponent to sac a creature when it enters if it's kicked. Now the kicker takes place when you summon it, if it dies, and you use mimic vat, does it mimic a kicked version, or a non kicked version?
To my knowledge you can't pay the kicker when you mimic vat it since you aren't casting the spell (and you have to pay when you cast the spell) but if the kicker was paid, and the token is an exact copy, wouldn't the token have the same ability?
I don't think you can. From what I've read and half-remembered, the Kicker ability is only activated when the spell is cast with it's kicker cost paid, and putting Gatekeeper into play via Mimic Vat does not fulfil those circumstances.
November 9, 2010 9:31 p.m.
iamnoah262 says... #3
Alright sweet, that's what I thought. Unfortunate for me though because that'd be awesome in my sac deck haha. Thanks for the speedy responses.
Zanven says... Accepted answer #1
Nope. You are putting a copy of the creature DIRECTLY onto the battlefield, you are not casting the spell. Determining whether or not you kick Gatekeeper of Malakir only happens as he is cast as an additional effect and not part of the creature, and thus you do not have the option to copy him like that and have him placed directly onto the battlefield. However, cards that have "when x enters the battlefield" effects (like Skinrender on them will trigger. Unfortunately, you cannot copy kicked creatures with the vat and then just have death on a stick.
November 9, 2010 9:29 p.m.