If Sensation Gorger's kinship ability triggers, then i deal damage with Slavering Nulls would my opponent only have 3 cards in hand?
Asked by Zgarbas 13 years ago
ok, so i have a Sensation Gorger and an Earwig Squad on the table. upkeep time, i reveal a goblin. and we both discard our hand and draw 4, then have my opponent discard a card of the 4 newly-drawed?
Slavering Nulls causes your opponent to discard a card when it deals combat damage. So if it deals combat damage during your turn, after you reveal a goblin and make him discard, then yes, he has to discard from what is currently in his hand.
Zgarbas says... #1
Damn, I wanted to say Slavering Nulls , not earwig squad. >.<
December 31, 2010 8:56 a.m.