If you and your opponent both have a Mimic Vat on the field and a creature dies who gets the creature?
Asked by leothemindcrush 13 years ago
So if I have out a mimic vat and my opponent does too and only one monster goes too the graveyard say via a doomblade or something, who gets too imprint their mimic vat?
Priority means that the person whose turn it is will have their card trigger first, so it will be at the bottom of the stack, allowing the other player's vat to resolve first.
-just in case you were wondering why
December 11, 2010 1:38 p.m.
MagnorCriol says... Accepted answer #3
They're correct, but just to be clear -
This is a matter of the stack. If it's your turn, and you Doom Blade a creature, and both you and your opponent want to Mimic Vat it, you can both activate it. But since it's your turn, your Vat's ability goes on the stack first. Before it resolves, priority passes to your opponent, and they can put their Vat's ability on the stack in response. Priority passes back to you. Unless you have an instant-speed response (say, Shatter ) to throw on the stack in response, the abilities begin to resolve off the stack. Theirs is on top of yours, so they get the creature. Your Vat's ability then fizzles due to lack of valid target.
Moral of the story: if you both have Vats out, kill on the opponent's turn. =p
December 11, 2010 2:51 p.m.
Just nitpicking a little, but I don't believe Shatter would change anything once the abilities were on stack. The card would still be exiled, and your vat would be unable to imprint it. Diplomatic Escort , for example, would make a difference though, by stopping the first ability from sending the creature to the rfg zone.
nghekman says... #1
if both of you have a mimic vat out you want to kill creatures on your opponent's turn. so whoever's turn it isn't.
December 11, 2010 1:29 p.m.