is a planeswalker a colored permanent
Asked by kelton5020 13 years ago
Is a planeswalker that costs green mana to cast, considered a green permanent? Consider Nissa Revane and Drove of Elves
Is a planeswalker that costs green mana to cast, considered a green permanent? Consider Nissa Revane and Drove of Elves
713K_4_13055 says... Accepted answer #1
Yes. A permanent is a card/token that remains on the battlefield, and a permanent's colors are either A) stated in an ability (of either the permanent in question or other abilities) or B) implied based on the color of the mana required to cast that spell (if the permanent is a card).
Consider Transguild Courier and Crimson Kobolds for examples of color not matching up with hard mana costs.
February 3, 2011 6:05 p.m.