Is there a card like Dragon Arch?

Asked by Olthoi 13 years ago

Is there a card that allows you to play creatures/cards from your hand besides Elvish Piper , but like Dragon Arch ?

Jimmuh says... Accepted answer #1

I'm not sure what you're trying to ask, but I think the cards you're looking for might be something like AEther Vial or Quicksilver Amulet

February 4, 2011 2 a.m.

Siegfried says... #2

card:Belbe's Portal, Cryptic Gateway , and Sneak Attack spring to mind.

February 4, 2011 3:53 a.m.

Justarsaus says... #3

card:Hibernation's End pulls from the deck

February 4, 2011 2 p.m.

felecity says... #4

February 4, 2011 4:08 p.m.

Spinalripper says... #5

Birthing Pod pulls from the deck as well, though you do have to sack.

July 11, 2011 12:34 a.m.

slowtyper77 says... #6

Sneak Attack! You can build entire decks around that card... Sneak Attack!

April 21, 2012 9:05 a.m.

Zaueski says... #7

Belbe's Portal is another good one that hasn't been mentioned

February 1, 2016 12:15 p.m.

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