Marauding raptor and polyrapter combo, draw?
Asked by mrrndublebarrel 5 years ago
Hi! I was playing edh with some folks at my local game store. I played Marauding Raptor and Polyraptor . The two cards create an infinite combo with a mandatory loop. My question is do I lose the game because I cannot break the loop or is the game a draw? Everyone at the table said I have to forfeit and scoop. This does not sit easy with me because the official rules for Magic state the the game ends in a draw. Help me understand.
Gidgetimer says... #2
Officially the game is a draw. They may have a house rule that you scoop if you cause a mandatory loop with no end.
November 6, 2019 6:25 a.m.
Use congregation of dawn to put marauder raptor, poly raptor and zecama on top of deck in response to gitrath trigger. And as long as you have 3 mana open (one being red) you can make infinite poly raptors and kill marauder with zecama at any time
December 18, 2019 8:47 a.m.
Would this infinite loop not end if you used Collateral Damage after 20 loops to sacrifice Marauding Raptor?
March 9, 2025 10:31 p.m.
Gidgetimer says... #5
Sure, if you can somehow remove either of the pieces in the loop it will break the loop. That wasn't the question though. The question involved exactly two cards. There are any number of third cards that can break the loop.
Kogarashi says... Accepted answer #1
The official rules state that the game ends in a draw in this scenario, unless someone is able to Stifle one of the two triggers involved (in which case the loop should end).
November 6, 2019 1:08 a.m.