Priority Rules

Asked by builderboy7 7 months ago

In a commander game, player A casts Opt and player B casts Arcane Denial targeting Opt, player A then responds by casting An Offer You Can't Refuse to counter the Arcane Denial, could the stack begin resolving the spell An Offer You Can't Refuse to counter Arcane Denial giving player B two treasures to then cast a Counterspell? From my current comprehension of how priority works in a commander, there is no time to interact with the stack after the stack begins resolving but am I wrong?

wallisface says... #1

Someone can pause stack resolution at any stage to add another spell to it. So players could let any number if these spells resolve then add another spell to the stack.

Before each spell resolves, each player gets priority

July 10, 2024 3 p.m.

Rhadamanthus says... Accepted answer #2

Some additional backup info: In older versions of the rules (Alpha through 5th Edition), if a batch or series started resolving, players wouldn't get priority again until it was completely finished. However, in the 6th Edition rules update that introduced the stack, spells and abilities on the stack resolve one at a time and priority goes around the table again after each one resolves. The next object on the stack can only start resolving if all players pass priority in succession.

July 10, 2024 5:46 p.m.

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