tap opponents land, how does it work?

Asked by alblaster 14 years ago

I know that when you tap lands they add mana to oyur mana pool, instead of being the mana themselves. If my opponent has a card that taps lands can I tap those lands in response to put the mana into my mana pool to use until the end of turn? Can I tap lands to add mana to my mana pool if I'm not using the mana right away to cast a spell?

sporkife says... Accepted answer #1

Mana empties from mana pools at the end of steps and phases, so in response to an effect that taps your lands you can tap them for mana. However, if you don't use the mana during that step or phase, it empties from your mana pool.

You can activate mana abilities of lands at any time. Mana abilities do not use the stack. Again, the mana will empty from your mana pool at the end of the step or phase.

November 22, 2010 10:04 a.m.

peppyhare says... #2

You can tap in response to put mana into your pool, but it empties at the end of each phase, so mana gained in the opponents main phase can't be used during combat etc.

November 22, 2010 10:05 a.m.

alblaster says... #3

ok thanks. That clears things up. I had thought it empties and the end of the current turn.

November 22, 2010 10:15 p.m.

mtgmaniac says... #4

And that's why Rishadan Port is soooo broken.....

and banned in most formats. :(

February 9, 2011 4:45 p.m.

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