Thran Lens
Asked by xeratheenigma 14 years ago
this is actually two questions
lets start with the first one if i have Thran Lens out and i play card:Painter's Servant naming lets say red would all permanents be red or colorless i guess to simplify the question would card:Painter's Servant overrule Thran Lens because it was played later.
the second question is would Sway of Illusion have a similar result because i plan on building a deck that exploits a kinda one sided All Is Dust deck
xeratheenigma says... #2
the original idea was to use thran lens with sway of illusion and all is dust
but sway of illusion would be used to give my opponents creatures a color and keep mine colorless that way they would still have to sac creatures and i wouldnt. it would probably be a G/U ramp deck might scrap painters servant unless i find a way to protect my lands
but thanks for the answer
September 28, 2010 4:23 a.m.
xeratheenigma says... #3
and the blasts remind of good times with painters servant decks
$ªmHεiπ says... Accepted answer #1
depends on the timestamps. Whichever was played most recently would have precedence with regards to permanents, anyway. Painter's would still effect spells and cards. Love painter with Hydroblast and Blue Elemental Blast
not sure how you are intending to protect your permanents from All Is Dust with card:Painter's Servant out though. Sway of Illusion won't help because colorless isn't a color.
September 28, 2010 4:10 a.m.