Two questions. One about the game its self the other about mana
Asked by blueshadow 14 years ago
Question 1 is: let's say the person your facing has a 4/4 Creature and you have a 1/1 creature of course the 1/1 is going to die but does the difference in power get delt to you? Question 2 does mana count as a permanet?
DeckBuilder345 says... #2
Answer 1. if they have a 4/4 and you have a 1/1 the damage does not get dealt to you unless that creature has an ability called trample.
Answer 2. Yes Mana is a permanent.
October 20, 2010 4:14 p.m.
DeckBuilder345 says... #3
OOh the answer above mine explains the difference between lands and mana, a little better... i tend to think of mana / land as interchangeable... but he made a nice distinction.
To elaborate - you tap lands to add mana to your mana pool, mana can then be used by you to do various things like play creatures etc. If the mana in your mana pool is unused at the end of the turn then it disappears. The land you used to tap for the mana, is a permanent and will untap as usual during your next turn.
I guess to further elaborate on the question 1 example, If you are being attacked by a 4/4 creature and you use a 1/1 creature to block you will take no damage. If however the 4/4 attacking creature has trample and you blocked with a 1/1 you would take 3 points of damage.
nani75185 says... Accepted answer #1
1) A creature can only deal damage to a player when it is blocked by a defending creature if it has trample, which is the power difference.
2) No, lands are permanent but mana is gone at the end of the turn, if it goes unused.
hope this helps
October 20, 2010 4:13 p.m.