What can a standard mono red deck do against an opponent who has two Knight Exemplars and a Leyline of Sanctity out?

Asked by ArkhangelAzrael 13 years ago

So, you play Standard with a mono-red, your opponent has Leyline of Sanctity and two Knight Exemplar on the board. Is there any way to counter it?

NoSkillManiac says... Accepted answer #1

Kill one of the Knight Exemplar s as the other is on the stack. Otherwise, GG bro. Find a dragon and smack them with it.

December 26, 2010 7:37 p.m.

Yeah, I feared that. It pains me to see how much nerfed red was in this standard.

December 26, 2010 7:40 p.m.

NoSkillManiac says... #3

I don't think a turn 3 win is nerfed at all. see Burn it to the Ground.

December 26, 2010 7:59 p.m.

I didn't mean it was nerfed as in never winning, but you can't argue that red has almost no strategies besides burn. Land destruction is horrible in standard and that is basiclly all red does, while the other colors are getting awesome things they shouldn't even be getting, like green with life, white with destruct, and so on. The other colors have so many more options, that's how I say red is nerfed.

December 26, 2010 8:03 p.m.

MagnorCriol says... #5

Green is all about life. Life is more part of green's piece of color pie than it is white, really. And white's had good destruction/removal for years. For example, just look at Wing Shards , which is almost the same as Dispense Justice except years older. Also Condemn (from Guildpact), and of course Swords to Plowshares (from Alpha). White's always had good removal, it's just usually conditional like "attacking creatures".

Red's strategy is speed. And with things like Goblin Guide , recently printed and an automatic include in almost any dedicated RDW coming out and Lightning Bolt being reprinted, just to name a couple, you can't really say they've been giving red no love. Not to mention Galvanic Blast , which currently is one of the top red instants of the whole game.

Red's speed is what defines the curve of the game. Red's speed is why the other colors need new tricks, because red can kill in three or four turns if the other colors don't get answers. Red doesn't change strategies because it's busy making the other guys strategize for it. That's red color philosophy - smash face, and do it fast. Thinking, planning and clever options aren't usually part of the plan.

December 26, 2010 8:33 p.m.

NoSkillManiac says... #6

Unless your really into land destruction, in which case find some destroy artifact effects and go at it with Liquimetal Coating . Then you also need a win condition off it. and thats plenty fast enough. by your third turn they should be down a land.

December 26, 2010 8:37 p.m.

Thanks alot for the answer Magnor, loved it.

And NoSkill, I liked your deck idea, have you seen any one that pulled that off?

December 26, 2010 9:08 p.m.

Jam says... #8

Brittle Effigy then Lightning Bolt the other?

December 26, 2010 9:30 p.m.

landot says... #9

there are a few neat land-kill ideas floating around here, Batcanada -- use the search function for Liquimetal Coating and see what pops up.

December 26, 2010 9:43 p.m.

supernick says... #10

Iona, Shield of Emeria . mono losses. mana ramp into for like turn 5 silence.

December 26, 2010 9:59 p.m.

Yeah jam, that is the only option I could think off, altought very costy!

Thanks landot! I'll see what I can find

December 26, 2010 9:59 p.m.

Jam says... #12

Actually, one more did hit me, use Culling Dais or any cheap sacrificer with Mark of Mutiny or Act of Treason .

And Contagion Clasp / Contagion Engine / Trigon of Corruption may work too, but much more expensive and risky.

December 26, 2010 10:17 p.m.

NoSkillManiac says... #14

@Batcanada-- If you count that I pulled it off vs a U/W control deck game to, then yeah. but never seen anyone else pull it off.

December 27, 2010 12:20 a.m.

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