What can you do with Mindslaver?

Asked by russell_nmf 14 years ago

If I use a Mindslaver on my opponent, can I use his own creatures to attack him on his turn? Also, can I tap his mana just to do mana burn?

xeratheenigma says... Accepted answer #1

first off a player can not attack themself.

and secondly as of M10 manaburn no longer exists (if you have a mindslaver from mirrodin it has reminder text that states your opponent will not take manaburn due to you tapping their lands for mana).

December 5, 2010 12:54 a.m.

Zylo says... #2

No and no.

You control him as if you were him. When you attack with his creatures you can only choose legal targets that he could choose. Since you cannot legally attack yourself you would not be able to have his creatures attack him.

Also, with the recent rulling changes, mana burn does not exist anymore. All mana empties out at the end of your turn and does not damage you. You CAN however tap all his mana and either use it to Fireball himself or simply make it so he has no mana for your turn to use his pesky Counterspell s.

December 5, 2010 12:55 a.m.

russell_nmf says... #3

Thank you both!

December 5, 2010 12:59 a.m.

Jarrod_0067 says... #4

Even better, cast their jace, the mind sculptor then counter it with their own card!

December 5, 2010 5:30 a.m.

Mpz5 says... #5

Always a funny choice to counter his own spells.

The other day I wasted my opponents Tainted Strike s, attacked with his Necropede and chumped it. I put the -1/-1 counter on his other Necropede , when that one died I put it on his 3ed Necropede , When that one died I put the -1/-1 counter on his Plague Stinger , killing it. I then tapped his remaining mana and ended his turn with a smirk on my face.

While you can't manaburn or attack them with their own creatures, you can get creative and really mess them up.

For practice I sometimes think of the worst things I could do to myself if I wanted to... sometimes it's pretty funny.

December 5, 2010 6:25 p.m.

Kalani says... #6

See Bizarre trading hijinx for some examples of fun things to do with Mindslaver . One of my favorites is to give the opponent my Magmaw with my Bazaar Trader 's ability, then control them and use Magmaw 's ability to sac everything they have to do damage to themselves, including Magmaw . Or use the ol' Reassembling Skeleton /Jinxed Idol combo on your side while controlling them and sac'ing their big important creatures on their side! Mindslaver is just hilarious in so many ways.

December 6, 2010 2:11 a.m.

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