what happens if a 3/3 with trample attacks in a band and the band gets blocked but before damage is dealt the 3/3 is removed from the band?
Asked by xeratheenigma 13 years ago
what i want to know is if i attack with a lets say a 3/3 with trample and a Mesa Pegasus banded together and my opponent blocks with a Grizzly Bear then uses brownie-shelkin's ability to break up the band are the Mesa Pegasus and the 3/3 trampler still blocked by the Grizzly Bear or are they just considered blocked?
i think i know this answer just want to make sure
thanks for your help in advance
702.19e Once an attacking band has been announced, it lasts for the rest of combat, even if something later removes banding or "bands with other" from one or more of the creatures in the band.
702.19h If an attacking creature becomes blocked by a creature, each other creature in the same band as the attacking creature becomes blocked by that same blocking creature.
Basically yes, both the banded creatures are blocked. You only take 1 damage from the trampler and not 1 from the Pegasus.
December 29, 2010 3:13 a.m.
xeratheenigma says... #3
okay thanks for the clarification i just wanted to make sure i knew how it worked.
December 29, 2010 3:23 a.m.
mistergreen527 says... #4
Just wanted to add that Shelkin Brownie can't actually remove the banding from the scenario you described. Here's the ruling on Shelkin Brownie :
"Can only remove 'bands with other' and not normal "banding" ability."
Mesa Pegasus has the normal "banding" ability. The cards with "bands with others" are card:Adventurers' Guildhouse, Cathedral of Serra , Master of the Hunt , Mountain Stronghold , card:Seafarer's Quay, and Unholy Citadel .
xeratheenigma says... #1
sorry Shelkin Brownie
December 29, 2010 2:49 a.m.