What happens if I cast one last chance after another?
Asked by trgoose 13 years ago
Does it give me another turn or not?
Last Chance 's card text states the following:
"Take an extra turn after this one. At the beginning of that turn's end step, you lose the game."
So even if you cast multiple in hopes of getting extra turns, the "At the beginning of that turn's end step, you lose the game" clause will kick in at the end of the first extra turn.
February 11, 2011 10:22 p.m.
You could feed those turns to, say, a chronotog, or a magosi, or a time vault.
Or you could Stifle the delayed trigger ability of those extra turns.
Or you could have a platinum angel.
But yeah, if you lose the game you don't take any more turns. Unless you win the game before then, but you wouldn't take any extra turns then, either....
oulani says... Accepted answer #1
It would give you another turn, but unfortunately you would have already lost the game.
February 11, 2011 10:20 p.m.