What happens when someone with Witch Hunt dies?

Asked by builderboy7 2 months ago

When Witch Hunt deals 4 damage to a player who isn't the owner and dies as a result, what happens to the Witch Hunt enchantment? Does it get exiled when the player dies or returns under its owner's control?

wallisface says... #1

Permanents controlled by other players return to their owners when that player dies

December 11, 2024 8:19 p.m.

Rhadamanthus says... Accepted answer #2

Of the players who are still in the game, Witch Hunt will return to the control of whoever else controlled it most recently.

One of the steps involved in a player leaving the game is ending any active effects that give them control of things. If an object has been subject to multiple control-changing effects, it's important to note that the old ones still exist, they've just been superseded by the most recently created one. When that most recent one ends, the next most recent one (that hasn't been ended by someone else leaving the game) will be in effect again.

800.4a When a player leaves the game, all objects (see rule 109) owned by that player leave the game and any effects which give that player control of any objects or players end. Then, if that player controlled any objects on the stack not represented by cards, those objects cease to exist. Then, if there are any objects still controlled by that player, those objects are exiled. This is not a state-based action. It happens as soon as the player leaves the game. If the player who left the game had priority at the time they left, priority passes to the next player in turn order who’s still in the game.

December 12, 2024 9:07 a.m.

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