What is a Cube?
Asked by Justarsaus 14 years ago
I looked through some of the cubes on here and im still not exactly sure what it is used for? is it just someones collection?
Justarsaus says... #2
would you possibly be able to do other sealed events with it other than just draft?
September 21, 2010 10:32 p.m.
mistergreen527 says... #3
Oh, I'm sure you could... For example, you could give each person 90 random cards (6 packs) and do a sealed tournament.
mistergreen527 says... Accepted answer #1
A cube is a pool of cards that you use for drafting. Each card in the cube is a singleton and a cube is usually made of between 300 and 500 cards. If possible, you also want each color to have an equal distribution in your cube. Rather than do say, an M11 draft, each person gets 15 random cards from the cube and drafts them normally. Then each person creates a deck and a mini tournament ensues. At the end, the cards get returned to the cube until next time.
September 21, 2010 10:31 p.m.