what is manna curve

Asked by Anerinter8 14 years ago

i have no idea what is it i built a deck and the manna curve has alittle gray on it

Leardawg says... #1

The mana curve is the converted mana cost of your deck expressed as a graph. It takes every card in your deck, breaks it down to it's converted mana cost(CMC), and then stacks the cards with the same CMC into bars on the graph. Things that are white, show up white, things that are green, show up green, etc. Things that are multiple colors, i.e. Bloodbraid Elf , show up as a light yellow color, at least on my machine. The gray that shows on your deck's graph would be anything that is "colorless". Your mana curve is generally used by you or other people to see where most of your mana will be spent and how far into the game it will take you for things to start going. Take my deck, G/W Ramp Up, as an example. It shows nothing for 0 CMC, I have 4 things green and 4 things colorless for 1 CMC, I have 4 things white and 8 things green for 2 CMC, and so on. So, by all estimations, it should only take a couple of turns for my deck to start running the way it was designed. In truth, it usually goes off between turn 4 and 6. I hope this helps.

September 20, 2010 10:27 a.m.

squire1 says... Accepted answer #2

a mana curve is a distribution curve based on the frequency of different mana cost of cards in your deck.

For example:

In this graph from a deck on tapped out. The CMC of the cards in the deck range from 1-5. They are not equally distributed, nor are they evenly distributed about the mean. The mean here would be somewhere around 2.5 or so (estimate). The graph has a skewnessto the left, which indicates that it is heavier on lower cost cards.

This is common in a deck distribution for a mana curve to look this way, so that most of the deck can function with little mana and there are a few cards that are finishers at the higher cost.

September 20, 2010 10:34 a.m.

cardcoin says... #3

squire1 Pretty much sums up what mana curve is.

Mana Curve is a measurement of how many cards in your deck cost X. The chart also shows what colours of mana you need in order to cast cards.

Artifacts, Creatures, Enchantments, Instants and Sorceries are all affected. it's a great tool for seeing at a glance how heavily dependent on mana your deck might be. and also how heavily you will be needing certain mana. (ideally by that turn)

Grey mana (usually) means Colourless mana required. This is usually for things like Artifacts & Colourless Creatures.

Hope this helps to suppliment the answers provided.

September 20, 2010 1:26 p.m.

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