What is the best standard archetype?
Asked by Jarrod_0067 14 years ago
Is it RDW? I know this is more a popularity contest so opinions are abundant, but which type of deck wins most tournaments?
MagnorCriol says... #2
If you really want to find which archetype statistically is winning the most tournaments right now, then go to the WotC website - they have listings of the tournaments and the decks that rank in them on there. (You'll have to dig a bit, I don't know specifically where it is off the top of my head.)
There's not much value in doing that though, except to see other top decks and learn from them. One archetype may statistically have more wins to its name, but that could just as likely be because more people are playing it. Think about pre-rotation Standard with Alara in it; it seemed just about EVERYONE was playing Jund.
Magic is a game of skill - yes, there's a good amount of random chance with shuffled decks, but that only makes it more important that you have the skill to pilot a deck well. The skill of the person running a deck is very, very important. So looking for "the strongest archetype" is a misleading quest.
November 16, 2010 10:56 a.m.
It really depends on your skill level in my opinion. I feel that in general a Valakut ramp deck is amazing but it's because after you ramp anything you draw aside from a forest basically says you win. Because of that, it's the easiest to play because the options are pretty limited and pretty cut and dry. Anyone that knows how to play can pilot it decently; however, I feel that control, if you are skilled enough, can be the best deck but it's learning curve is so ridiculously high that new players trying it without knowing well the metagame crash its stats.
To answer your question there really is no best deck overall because everyone is of differing skills and styles. Play what you enjoy and look for/build the best deck of that type.
November 16, 2010 5:04 p.m.
FallenAngel says... #7
I think theres no right deck most of the time it's just a matter of skill I mean sometimes you'll get lucky and win. I'm not even sure my deck has a type it's eldrazi and vampires complete opposites but I still win a good amount of the time.
November 16, 2010 8:45 p.m.
Jarrod_0067 says... Accepted answer #8
I don't think there is an answer...
Anybody think there could be a chance of post-rotation Esper control or even a standard take on the Naya colors winning the world championship next year?
BrownDog5117 says... #1
i don't think there is a number 1 deck!... that's the beauty of this game man...
there are top decks... like U/B Control, RDW, Eldrazi Ramp, Valakut ramp, U/W Control, white weenie
the lists goes on.. you'll most likely see one of these decks win a tournament
November 16, 2010 7:37 a.m.